Nelson Rock and Mineral Club
ApophylliteLocation: Murdochville, Quebec, Canada
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Tetragonal Chemical structure: \((K,Na)Ca_4\)\(Si_8\)\(O_{20}(F,OH)\)·\(8H_2O\) |
AragoniteLocation: Lee Valley, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(CaCO_3\) |
AragoniteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(CaCO_3\) |
AragoniteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(CaCO_3\) Note: Aragonite crystals set on black wire; field of view = 4mm |
BariteLocation: Mangakuri Beach, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(BaSO_4\) |
BoleiteLocation: Baja California, Mexico
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Isometric Chemical structure: \(KPb_{26}\)\(Ag_9\)\(Cu_{24}\)\((OH)_{48}\)\(Cl_{62}\) |
BruciteLocation: Lee Valley, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Trigonal Chemical structure: \(Mg(OH)_2\) |
CerussiteLocation: Colossus Mine, Whangapeka, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(PbCO_3\) Specimen includes Linerite and Malachite |
ClinoatacamiteLocation: Castleton Mine, Lochgilphead, Scotland
Collector/photographer: Elmar Lackner Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(Cu_2\)\((OH)_3Cl\) Scale: picture width 1.8 mm Note; Specimen includes Linerite and Malachite |
CopperLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Isometric Chemical structure: \(Cu\) |
CopperLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Isometric Chemical structure: \(Cu\) Note: Specimen shows copper wires and blackish-green pyrrhotite |
ErioniteLocation: Moeraki, Otago, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Variable Chemical structure: Aluminium silicate of variable composition, |
ErythriteLocation: Dome Rock, South Australia, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(Co_3\)\((AsO_4\)\()_2\) · \(8H_2O\) Note: Specimen also shows Smollyaninovite |
Ferroan CalciteLocation: Boral Quarry, Budorra, Victoria, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Trigonal Chemical structure: \((Ca,Fe)CO_3\) Note: Ferruginous form of Calcite |
GarnetLocation: Ruby Mountain, Chaffee County, Colorado, USA
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Chemical structure: Silicate of variable composition Note: Specimen shows variety Spessarite |
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Chemical structure: Silicate of variable composition Note: |
GonnarditeLocation: Boral Quarry, Budorra, Victoria, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \((Na,Ca)_2\)\((Si,Al)_5\)\(O_{10}\) · \(3H_2O\) Note: Specimen also shows Natrolite (yellowish flecks on surface) |
GorceixiteLocation: Iron Knob, South Australia, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(BaAl_3\) \((PO_4)\)\((PO_3OH)\)\((OH)_6\) Note: An alteration product of apatite |
GrossularLocation: Red Hills, Fiordland, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Isometric Chemical structure: \(Ca_3\) \(Al_2\) \((SiO_4\)\()_3\) Note: Specimen shown is variety Hessonite |
HeulanditeLocation: Rangitata Gorge, Canterbury, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: Calcium-aluminium silicate, of variable composition |
HeulanditeLocation: Location: Rangitata Gorge, Canterbury, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: Calcium-aluminium silicate, of variable composition |
HinsdaliteLocation: Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Trigonal Chemical structure: \(PbAl_3\)\((PO_4)\)\((SO_4)\)\((OH)_6\) |
HopeiteLocation: Broken Hill, Zambia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(Zn_3\)\((PO_4\)\()_2\) · \(4H_2O\) |
LévyneLocation: Waitakere Stream, Auckland, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: Aluminium silicate of variable composition, containing Calcium and/or other alkalis |
MalachiteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(Cu_2\)\((CO_3)\)\((OH)_2\) Note: Field of view = 5.5 mm |
NatroliteLocation: Flinders Ranges, Victoria, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Orthorhombic Chemical structure: \(Na_2\)\(Al_2\)\(Si_3\)\(O_{10}\) · \(2H_2O\) Note: Specimen shows Natrolite on Thompsonite, on Analcime |
PhillipsiteLocation: Moeraki, Otago, NZ
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Variable Chemical structure: Silicate (zeolite) containing sodium, calcium or potassium |
PumpellyiteLocation: Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: Calcium silicate of variable composition |
PyriteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Isometric Chemical structure: \(FeS_2\) Note: On pyroaurite; brassy wires are possibly filiform |
PyromorphiteLocation: Burgam, Shropshire, UK
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Hexagonal Chemical structure: \(Pb_5\)\((PO_4\)\()_3Cl\) Note: Specimen also shows Conandite |
PyromorphiteLocation: Rum Jungle, Northern Territories, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Hexagonal Chemical structure: \(Pb_5\)\((PO_4\)\()_3Cl\) Note: Specimen also shows Malachite |
RhodoniteLocation: Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Triclinic Chemical structure: \(MnSiO_3\) |
SeleniteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Tim Saunderson Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(CaSO_4\) · \(2H_2O\) Note: The transparent form of gypsum; field of view = 3.5 mm |
SerpieriteLocation: Meadowfoot Smelter, Warlock Head, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(Ca(Cu,Zn)_4\)\((SO_4\)\()_2\)\((OH)_6\) · \(3H_2O\) Note: Specimen also shows Linarite |
SphaleriteLocation: Ontario, Canada
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Isometric Chemical structure: \(ZnS\) |
TitaniteLocation: Schiedgraben, Austria
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Monoclinic Chemical structure: \(CaTi(SiO_4)O\) Note: Also called Sphene; specimen is coated with chlorite scale |
VanadiniteLocation: Hamburg Mine, Yuma County, Arizona, USA
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Hexagonal Chemical structure: \(Pb_5\)\((VO_4\)\()_3Cl\) |
VanadiniteLocation: Chihuahua, Mexico
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Hexagonal Chemical structure: \(Pb_5\)\((VO_4\)\()_3Cl\) Notes: Specimen shown is variety Endichite |
VesuvianiteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Tetragonal Chemical structure: \(Ca_{10}\)\(Mg_2\)\(Al_4\)\((SiO_4\)\()_5\)\((Si_2\)\(O_7\)\()_2\)\((OH)_4\) |
VesuvianiteLocation: Champion Mine, Nelson, New Zealand
Collector/photographer: Hubert OpdenBuysch Crystal habit: Tetragonal Chemical structure: \(Ca_{10}\)\(Mg_2\)\(Al_4\)\((SiO_4\)\()_5\)\((Si_2\)\(O_7\)\()_2\)\((OH)_4\) |